Gaia in the UK

Taking the Galactic Census

Gaia videos

Comparison between Gaia's first and second data releases

Gaia DR1 and DR2 comparison
A virtual journey showing a comparison between Gaia's first and second data releases.
Watch video Comparison between Gaia's first and second data releases

Stellar parallaxes - how to measure stellar distances with the Gaia satellite

Gaia parallax video
How stellar distances are measured with the Gaia satellite using the parallax method.
Watch video Stellar parallaxes - how to measure stellar distances with the Gaia satellite

Time-lapse film Soyuz flight VS06 with Gaia

Soyuz with Gaia thumbnail
This time-lapse movie shows Gaia sunshield deployment test, the transfer of the Soyuz from the assembly building to the launch pad and the lift off.
Watch video Time-lapse film Soyuz flight VS06 with Gaia

Inside Gaia's billion-pixel camera

Inside Gaia's billion-pixel camera thumbnail
This animation shows how Gaia's camera works.
Watch video Inside Gaia's billion-pixel camera

Gaia launch highlights

Gaia launch thumbnail

This video shows the highlights of the launch webcast, including the lift-off from Kourou on 19 December 2013, separation of Gaia and the successful entry into orbit.

Watch video Gaia launch highlights

Can I be part of Gaia?

Find out how you can get involved in Gaia and contribute to new and exciting discoveries in our Galaxy and beyond.
Watch video Can I be part of Gaia?

How do we benefit from space?

What's the pay-off for me?
Watch video How do we benefit from space?

What's the big deal about Gaia?

Just how do you go about creating a 3D map of a galaxy?
Watch video What's the big deal about Gaia?

Why we need Gaia

How old are the stars?
Watch video Why we need Gaia

Gaia's mission: solving the celestial puzzle

Gaia film
A space mission to create the largest, most-accurate, map of the Milky Way in three dimensions will revolutionise our understanding of the galaxy and the universe beyond.
Watch video Gaia's mission: solving the celestial puzzle
