Gaia in the UK

Taking the Galactic Census

Gaia videos

How Gaia detects binary stars

Binary star detection by Gaia

This animation shows three different techniques that Gaia uses to detect binary stars.

Watch video How Gaia detects binary stars

Social stars

Gaia DR3 binary star orbits

This animation illustrates the sky-projected motions of binary stars whose orbits have been determined by Gaia.

Watch video Social stars

Milky Way in motion

Gaia DR3 stellar motions

Gaia Data Release 3 shows us the speed at which more than 30 million Milky Way stars move towards or away from us.

Watch video Milky Way in motion

The chemistry of our Milky Way

Gaia DR3 Milky Way chemistry

Gaia is bringing us a chemical map of the Milky Way.

Watch video The chemistry of our Milky Way

Gaia sees starquakes

Gaia DR3 starquakes

Gaia data release 3 starquakes.

Watch video Gaia sees starquakes

Chemistry of asteroids as seen by Gaia

Chemistry of DR3 asteroids

Chemistry of asteroids as seen by Gaia DR3.

Watch video Chemistry of asteroids as seen by Gaia

Asteroid populations in Gaia Data Release 3

asteroid populations in Gaia DR3

Asteroid populations in Gaia Data Release 3.

Watch video Asteroid populations in Gaia Data Release 3

Magellanic Clouds in Gaia Early Data Release 3

Magellanic Clouds in Gaia EDR3
This video accompanies the Gaia EDR3 paper on the Magellanic Clouds.
Watch video Magellanic Clouds in Gaia Early Data Release 3

Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars - orbits

Orbits of nearby stars
This animation shows the orbits of stars from the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars (within 100 pc), having a radial velocity in EDR3.
Watch video Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars - orbits

Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars fly-through

Stars in 100 parsec solar neighbourhood
The video shows a fly through 100 parsec neighbourhood of the sun.
Watch video Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars fly-through
