Gaia in the UK

Taking the Galactic Census

Gaia videos

Gaia: from launch to orbit

The animation shows Gaia's launch and journey to its operating orbit.
Watch video Gaia: from launch to orbit

Guide to our Galaxy

A virtual journey showing the different components that make up our home galaxy, the Milky Way, which contains about a hundred billion stars.
Watch video Guide to our Galaxy

Gaia sunshield deployment test

The video shows an edited, time-lapse sequence from the deployment of the DSA during a test campaign.
Watch video Gaia sunshield deployment test

Deployment of Gaia's solar array and sunshield

Gaia satellite in space with sunshield deployed
An animation showing the deployment of Gaia's solar array and sunshield.
Watch video Deployment of Gaia's solar array and sunshield

CTI Effects Models for Gaia Simulation Example

A simulation of distorting effects of the Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) on observed stellar images.
Watch video CTI Effects Models for Gaia Simulation Example

Charting the Galaxy - from Hipparcos to Gaia

Episode 6 in Science@ESA vodcast series in which Rebecca Barnes introduces Gaia mission, its operations and scientific objectives.
Watch video Charting the Galaxy - from Hipparcos to Gaia

Gaia and the Killer Asteroids

How will Gaia help us spot Killer Asteroids?
Watch video Gaia and the Killer Asteroids

Taking a Galactic Census

How do you take a census in space?
Watch video Taking a Galactic Census

Gaia Nominal Scanning Law movie

The Nominal Scanning Law (NSL) animation shows an accurate simulation of the Nominal Scanning Law (NSL) of Gaia during its 5 year nominal mission in 2-dimensional Hammer-Aitoff projection.

Watch video Gaia Nominal Scanning Law movie
